The Underestimated Economic Benefits of the Internet

The Underestimated Economic Benefits of the Internet: Internet is one such invention of modern science which has played a remarkable role in covering the whole world. Through the Internet, we can talk face to face with any person living anywhere in the world, chatting, even sharing information on various subjects easily.

The Internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data through a variety of media. The Internet is a network of global exchanges – including private, public, commercial, educational and government networks – linked by guided, wireless and fiber-optic technologies.

Some of the Underestimated Benefits of the Internet

The Internet and the World Wide Web (www) are often used interchangeably, but they are not really the same thing; Internet refers to the global communication system including hardware and infrastructure, while the web is one of the services transmitted over the Internet.

The Underestimated Economic Benefits of the Internet

The Internet is such a blessing of science, which has made the work of man easy. Today it becomes very difficult to imagine life without internet. Because today every small and big work is done on the basis of internet, whether it is work related to medical field or work related to business field. Today the whole world has been reduced due to the Internet.

Although the Internet has become a great helper for today’s man, this network is spread all over the world. Today all the countries of the world are connected with each other due to internet. As soon as the internet comes to mind, it just seems that the benefits of the internet are the benefits. But does the Internet have any disadvantages?

The things which were invented according to the necessity on the basis of science, each of those things have advantages as well as disadvantages. Just as a coin has two sides, internet also has two sides, firstly its advantages and secondly its disadvantages. However, the disadvantages of the Internet depend on how much you are attached to the Internet.

Advantages of internet

  • Due to the Internet, today you can know the news of the whole world sitting at home.
  • We can see our family and relatives even when we are away due to internet.
  • Many employment options have arisen due to the Internet. For example, today millions of people of the world are earning money with the help of internet through social media platforms.
  • With the help of internet, you can shop for everything sitting at home.
  • With the help of internet, you can start your own business sitting at home, you can batch your own made items sitting at home.
  • Due to internet, you can work from home.

Disadvantages of internet

  • The search revealed that 15 grams of carbon dioxide is liberated after searching twice on Google. In this way global warming is increasing due to the use of internet.
  • Excessive use of the Internet spoils the mental health of a person, makes his mental state irritable.
  • A viral video on the Internet can make a person famous, while a viral video can also make a person infamous.
  • Due to the Internet, there are many types of cyber crimes like hacking, viruses, stealing different types of information.
  • Due to the Internet, today most people take the help of the Internet instead of taking each other’s advice. Internet can give knowledge to the individual but only the opinion of the family can help in personal decisions.
  • Internet distracts the attention of students from studies. Even though there is a lot of knowledge available on the Internet, but due to the Internet, many children also go on the wrong path.
  • Internet is a waste of time. In adolescence, children are attracted to glamor and dazzling things more than studies. Today due to internet, most of the people are busy in posting good pictures on social media, due to which a lot of time is wasted in all these things.
  • There are more advantages than disadvantages of the Internet, although there is a need to use the Internet properly.

Internet advantages and disadvantages essay in English


What do you understand by Internet?

The Internet is an electronic means of obtaining information online, through which communication is exchanged globally. Internet is used to fulfill the necessities of daily life, business, job, service and security.

Is internet harmful to society

Due to the use of internet for wrong propaganda, it has become harmful for the society, although it has innumerable benefits but children and youth are getting attracted towards the internet glare.

should the internet be destroyed

See, destroying the Internet is not right because at present the communication system is connected to the Internet on a large scale. From airplanes to industry is incomplete without the Internet. Instead of destroying the internet, it is necessary for the government to make parliamentary level laws on it. The government can increase the utility of the Internet over time by passing the Internet Act.

what is the future of the internet

The future of the Internet is very bright, due to the digitization of all things, the demand for the Internet has increased, as a result, people like to work from home. Therefore the Internet is the most useful resource for the future.

Final Words

The Internet has many advantages, while its disadvantages are also many, it is also necessary to get the loss of the thing that benefits in the world, that is, it is necessary to have two sides of a coin. Well we should say thanks to technology because in today’s day we can easily do any work through internet. Earlier, when there was no internet, we had to go to the office to get any work done, that is, we had to go round the office for a long time.

Hi, I'm Selva a full-time Blogger, YouTuber, Affiliate Marketer, & founder of Coding Deekshi. Here, I post about programming to help developers.

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