Table of Contents
Pokemon Go PVP Tier List: Pokemon Go is a popular mobile game that has captured the attention of millions of players worldwide. The game involves capturing and training various Pokemon creatures and engaging in battles with other trainers. One of the most exciting features of Pokemon Go is the PVP (player versus player) mode, where players can challenge each other to battles and test their skills. To succeed in PVP battles, it’s essential to have a good team of Pokemon that can hold their own in combat. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the Pokemon Go PVP Tier List and help you choose the best Pokemon for your team.

What is a PVP Tier List?
A PVP Tier List is a ranking system that ranks Pokemon based on their effectiveness in PVP battles. The Tier List is usually divided into several tiers, with the top tier being the most effective and the lowest tier being the least effective. A Tier List can help trainers choose the best Pokemon for their team and give them an idea of which Pokemon are worth investing in.
Top-Tier Pokemon for PVP Battles
The following are some of the top-tier Pokemon for PVP battles in Pokemon Go:
- Azumarill: Azumarill is a Water/Fairy-type Pokemon that is incredibly versatile and can fit into almost any team composition. It has high HP and Defense stats, making it a formidable opponent. Its Bubble and Play Rough moves make it a great choice for battles.
- Medicham: Medicham is a Fighting/Psychic-type Pokemon that has an excellent attack and defense stat. It’s a great choice for taking down opponents quickly and can learn moves like Counter and Dynamic Punch.
- Altaria: Altaria is a Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon that has great defensive stats and can take a lot of hits. Its Dragon Breath and Sky Attack moves make it a great choice for PVP battles.
- Swampert: Swampert is a Water/Ground-type Pokemon that has excellent attack and defense stats. Its Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon moves make it a great choice for battles.
- Skarmory: Skarmory is a Steel/Flying-type Pokemon that is incredibly resilient and can take a lot of hits. Its Steel Wing and Sky Attack moves make it a great choice for battles.
Other notable Pokemon for PVP battles include Machamp, Mew, Mewtwo, and Gyarados.
Pokemon go pvp Tier List 1:
Pokemon | Rating |
Azumarill | 5/5 |
Toxapex | 5/5 |
Medicham | 5/5 |
Galarian Stunfisk | 5/5 |
The Pokemon go pvp Tier List 2:
Pokémon Name | Rating |
Venusaur | 4.5/5 |
Araquanid | 4.5/5 |
Deoxys (Defense Forme) | 4.5/5 |
Shadow Swampert | 4.5/5 |
Shadow Venusaur | 4.5/5 |
Bastiodon | 4.5/5 |
Registeel | 4.5/5 |
Walrein | 4.5/5 |
Tropius | 4.5/5 |
Sableye | 4.5/5 |
Shadow Hypno | 4.5/5 |
Jellicent | 4.5/5 |
Swampert | 4.5/5 |
Skarmory | 4.5/5 |
Meganium | 4.5/5 |
Shadow Walrein | 4.5/5 |
Hypno | 4.5/5 |
Lickitung | 4.5/5 |
Shadow Skarmory | 4.5/5 |
Trevenant | 4.5/5 |
Umbreon | 4.5/5 |
Shadow Nidoqueen | 4/5 |
Sirfetch’d | 4/5 |
Diggersby | 4/5 |
Greedent | 4/5 |
Shadow Politoed | 4/5 |
Shadow Victreebel | 4/5 |
Shadow Abomasnow | 4/5 |
Zweilous | 4/5 |
Mandibuzz | 4/5 |
Dubwool | 4/5 |
Stunfisk | 4/5 |
Abomasnow | 4/5 |
Galvantula | 4/5 |
Tapu Fini | 4/5 |
Dewgong | 4/5 |
Haunter | 4/5 |
Lapras | 4/5 |
Mew | 4/5 |
Lanturn | 4/5 |
Politoed | 4/5 |
Kommo-o | 4/5 |
Shiftry | 4/5 |
Cofagrigus | 4/5 |
Vigoroth | 4/5 |
Altaria | 4/5 |
Drifblim | 4/5 |
Pidgeot | 4/5 |
Alolan Ninetales | 4/5 |
Alolan Marowak | 4/5 |
Alolan Raichu | 4/5 |
Shadow Alolan Marowak | 4/5 |
The Pokemon go pvp Tier List 2:
Tier 3 | Rating |
Ivysaur | 3.5/5 |
Galarian Weezing | 3.5/5 |
Mawile | 3.5/5 |
Manectric | 3.5/5 |
Jirachi | 3.5/5 |
Skuntank | 3.5/5 |
Bronzong | 3.5/5 |
Toxicroak | 3.5/5 |
Froslass | 3.5/5 |
Cresselia | 3.5/5 |
Alolan Muk | 3.5/5 |
Melmetal | 3.5/5 |
Wormadam (Trash Cloak) | 3.5/5 |
Scrafty | 3.5/5 |
Ferrothorn | 3.5/5 |
Cherrim (Sunshine Form) | 3.5/5 |
Togedemaru | 3.5/5 |
Obstagoon | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Ivysaur | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Magnezone | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Mawile | 3.5/5 |
Sylveon | 3.5/5 |
Goodra | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Machamp | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Skuntank | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Dragonite | 3.5/5 |
Runerigus | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Jumpluff | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Quagsire | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Manectric | 3.5/5 |
Pelipper | 3.5/5 |
Gallade | 3.5/5 |
Dunsparce | 3.5/5 |
Noctowl | 3.5/5 |
Quagsire | 3.5/5 |
Jumpluff | 3.5/5 |
Mantine | 3.5/5 |
Primeape | 3.5/5 |
Wigglytuff | 3.5/5 |
Clefable | 3.5/5 |
Victreebel | 3.5/5 |
Nidoqueen | 3.5/5 |
Lurantis | 3.5/5 |
Dragonite | 3.5/5 |
Shadow Snorlax | 3/5 |
Shadow Poliwrath | 3/5 |
Muk | 3/5 |
Shadow Charizard | 3/5 |
Gengar | 3/5 |
Perrserker | 3/5 |
Shadow Dragonair | 3/5 |
Magneton | 3/5 |
Snorlax | 3/5 |
Tentacruel | 3/5 |
Chesna |
Pokemon (Tier List 3) | Rating |
Chesnaught | 3/5 |
Aromatisse | 3/5 |
Slurpuff | 3/5 |
Salazzle | 3/5 |
Dedenne | 3/5 |
Shadow Probopass | 3/5 |
Shadow Alolan Sandslash | 3/5 |
Sneasler | 3/5 |
Shadow Lugia | 3/5 |
Shadow Ho-Oh | 3/5 |
Blastoise | 3/5 |
Shadow Kingdra | 3/5 |
Shadow Sealeo | 3/5 |
Machamp | 3/5 |
Beedrill | 3/5 |
Poliwrath | 3/5 |
Gourgeist – Small Size | 3/5 |
Gourgeist – Average Size | 3/5 |
Gourgeist – Large Size | 3/5 |
Gourgeist – Super Size | 3/5 |
Galarian Linoone | 3/5 |
Dragonair | 3/5 |
Alomomola | 3/5 |
Bisharp | 3/5 |
Swalot | 3/5 |
Empoleon | 3/5 |
Kingdra | 3/5 |
Regice | 3/5 |
Regirock | 3/5 |
Sealeo | 3/5 |
Whiscash | 3/5 |
Miltank | 3/5 |
Munchlax | 3/5 |
Suicune | 3/5 |
Lugia | 3/5 |
Linoone | 3/5 |
Marshtomp | 3/5 |
Blaziken | 3/5 |
Hakamo-o | 3/5 |
Oranguru | 3/5 |
Steelix | 3/5 |
Drapion | 3/5 |
Druddigon | 3/5 |
Victini | 3/5 |
Eelektross | 3/5 |
Bewear | 3/5 |
Escavalier | 3/5 |
Typhlosion | 3/5 |
Leavanny | 3/5 |
Seismitoad | 3/5 |
Serperior | 3/5 |
Ariados | 3/5 |
Magnezone | 3/5 |
Alolan Sandslash | 3/5 |
Alolan Golem | 3/5 |
Uxie | 3/5 |
Wobbuffet | 3/5 |
Probopass | 3/5 |
Charizard | 3/5 |
Togekiss | 3/5 |
The Pokemon go pvp Tier List 4:
Pokemon (Tier 4 List) | Tier |
Raichu | 2.5/5 |
Ludicolo | 2.5/5 |
Shadow Ninetales | 2.5/5 |
Flygon | 2.5/5 |
Shadow Venomoth | 2.5/5 |
Minun | 2.5/5 |
Shadow Bellossom | 2.5/5 |
Gardevoir | 2.5/5 |
Dustox | 2.5/5 |
Glalie | 2.5/5 |
Florges | 2.5/5 |
Scolipede | 2.5/5 |
Pangoro | 2.5/5 |
Barbaracle | 2.5/5 |
Decidueye | 2.5/5 |
Dragalge | 2.5/5 |
Heliolisk | 2.5/5 |
Dusclops | 2.5/5 |
Shadow Gardevoir | 2.5/5 |
Hitmontop | 2.5/5 |
Alolan Raticate | 2.5/5 |
Excadrill | 2.5/5 |
Swoobat | 2.5/5 |
Samurott | 2.5/5 |
Carracosta | 2.5/5 |
Alolan Graveler | 2.5/5 |
Alolan Sandshrew | 2.5/5 |
Dusknoir | 2.5/5 |
Grotle | 2.5/5 |
Lickilicky | 2.5/5 |
Lucario | 2.5/5 |
Spiritomb | 2.5/5 |
Castform (Sunny) | 2.5/5 |
Chandelure | 2.5/5 |
Vespiquen | 2.5/5 |
Shadow Tyranitar | 2.5/5 |
Tyranitar | 2.5/5 |
Lycanroc (Midnight Form) | 2.5/5 |
Whimsicott | 2.5/5 |
Venomoth | 2.5/5 |
Crobat | 2.5/5 |
Ampharos | 2.5/5 |
Bellossom | 2.5/5 |
Tangela | 2.5/5 |
Bayleef | 2.5/5 |
Weepinbell | 2.5/5 |
Shadow Bayleef | 2.5/5 |
Forretress | 2.5/5 |
Granbull | 2.5/5 |
Qwilfish | 2.5/5 |
Falinks | 2.5/5 |
Galarian Slowbro | 2.5/5 |
Galarian Rapidash | 2.5/5 |
Hitmonchan | 2.5/5 |
Golbat | 2.5/5 |
Ninetales | 2 |
The Pokemon go pvp Tier List 5:
Pokemon | Rating |
Electivire | 1.5/5 |
Crawdaunt | 1.5/5 |
Latios | 1.5/5 |
Latias | 1.5/5 |
Shelgon | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Arcanine | 1.5/5 |
Castform | 1.5/5 |
Milotic | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Hitmonlee | 1.5/5 |
Prinplup | 1.5/5 |
Seviper | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Articuno | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Entei | 1.5/5 |
Plusle | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Electivire | 1.5/5 |
Delphox | 1.5/5 |
Comfey | 1.5/5 |
Infernape | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Gyarados | 1.5/5 |
Pyroar | 1.5/5 |
Durant | 1.5/5 |
Garbodor | 1.5/5 |
Gigalith | 1.5/5 |
Gothorita | 1.5/5 |
Haxorus | 1.5/5 |
Alolan Exeggutor | 1.5/5 |
Heatmor | 1.5/5 |
Genesect | 1.5/5 |
Kricketune | 1.5/5 |
Mamoswine | 1.5/5 |
Galarian Darmanitan | 1.5/5 |
Rhyperior | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Zapdos | 1.5/5 |
Garchomp | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Alakazam | 1.5/5 |
Lopunny | 1.5/5 |
Lycanroc (Midday Form) | 1.5/5 |
Delcatty | 1.5/5 |
Meowstic – Female | 1.5/5 |
Hitmonlee | 1.5/5 |
Articuno | 1.5/5 |
Shadow Mamoswine | 1.5/5 |
Jolteon | 1.5/5 |
Gyarados | 1.5/5 |
Scyther | 1.5/5 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I participate in PVP battles in Pokemon Go?
To participate in PVP battles in Pokemon Go, you need to have a Battle Pass. You can get a Battle Pass by walking to a nearby gym and spinning the photo disc. Once you have a Battle Pass, you can challenge other trainers to battles.
How do I choose the best Pokemon for my PVP team?
You should choose Pokemon that have good stats and moves that are effective against a variety of opponents. You should also choose Pokemon that complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Can I change my PVP team?
Yes, you can change your PVP team at any time by selecting a different team in the Battle menu.
Final Words
In conclusion, the Pokemon Go PVP Tier List is an excellent resource for trainers looking to build a strong team for PVP battles. By choosing top-tier Pokemon like Azumarill, Medicham, Altaria, Swampert, and Skarmory, you can increase your chances of winning battles and climbing the ranks. However, it’s important to remember that the Tier List is not the be-all and end-all, and you should choose Pokemon that complement your playstyle and team composition.