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Hi Hello, What I am going to do in this article I will see in detail about Perl 5 Script to Build Advanced Omegle Bot to Increase Traffic to Website. This article is a favorite of everyone and many people are suffering without knowing what the reason is. This article will be very useful for them.

Perl 5 Script to Build Advanced Omegle Bot to Increase Traffic to Website
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## only 3 cpan modules installed: POE::Components::IRC,
## POE::Components::Omegle, and REST::Google::Translate
## there are a few "settings" that can be changed
## like nick, the nick to change to during omegle chat
## and server and channel...
## license: i am not responsible for anything. ever. or whatever.
## it would be cool if people updated changes here
## TO RUN:
## execute this script:
## $ perl '' '#omeglebots' 'omegleB' 'omegleA: ' 'omegleB'
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
use POE qw(Component::IRC Component::Omegle);
####### #######
####### #######
my $SERVER = shift || '';
my $CHANNEL = shift || '#omeglebots';
my $ORIGINALNICK = shift || 'omegleA';
#or '' for noone, but stranger is the other bot
my $CHATPREFIX = shift || 'omegleB: ';
my $HEARSFROM = shift || 'omegleC';
# if set to 1, bot will change nicks to OMEGLENICK during session
my $OMEGLENICK = shift || 'stranger1';
my $changenicks = 0;
my $USERNAME = 'banana';
my $IRCNAME = 'ask me for help';
my $perl_location = `which perl`; chomp $perl_location;
my $script_location = "$0";
####### #######
my $IRC_ALIAS = 'butt';
my $omegle;
sleep 3; #time to respawn
my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
nick => $NICK,
ircname => $IRCNAME,
username => $USERNAME,
server => $SERVER,
alias => $IRC_ALIAS, ) or die "uhhhhhh $!";
POE::Session->create( inline_states => {
_start => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => register => 'all' );
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => connect => {} );
irc_001 => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => join => $CHANNEL );
irc_433 => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $NICK . $$%1000 );
irc_kick => sub {
exit 0;
irc_public => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $who, $where, $msg) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0];
my $channel = $where->[0];
my $ts = scalar localtime;
print " [$ts] <$nick:$channel> $msg\n";
if (my ($what) = $msg =~ /^$$ATTN[:,]? (.+)/) {
$omegle->say($what) if $OMEGLE_SESSION;
if( !$OMEGLE_SESSION and $what =~ /^help/i ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "commands are ;start, ;stop, ;respawn. after ;start-ing and inviting an omegle stranger, the conversation can be ;stop-ped. if i become unresponsive, try ;respawn-ing me.");
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "during a conversation, the omegle stranger can only hear you if you speak to $OMEGLENICK");
} elsif (my ($cmd) = $msg =~ /^;(\w+)/){
if( $cmd eq "start" and ! $OMEGLE_SESSION){
$_[KERNEL]->yield( "my_omegle" );
}elsif ( $cmd eq "stop" and $OMEGLE_SESSION ){
# change nick 😀 so its OBVIOUS we're in omegle mode
if( $changenicks ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $ORIGINALNICK );
} else {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => ctcp => $CHANNEL => "ACTION disconnected" );
undef $omegle;
sleep 3;
$_[KERNEL]->yield( "my_omegle" );
}elsif ( $cmd eq "respawn" ){
exec $perl_location, $script_location, $SERVER, $CHANNEL, $ORIGINALNICK, $CHATPREFIX, $HEARSFROM, $OMEGLENICK;
exit 0;
}elsif ( $cmd eq "die" ){
exit 0;
}elsif ( $cmd eq "help" ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "commands are ;start, ;stop, ;respawn. after ;start-ing and inviting an omegle stranger, the conversation can be ;stop-ped. if i become unresponsive, try ;respawn-ing me.");
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "during a conversation, the omegle stranger can only hear you if you speak to $OMEGLENICK");
my_omegle => sub {
my $session = $_[SESSION];
inline_states => {
_start => sub {
my ($heap) = $_[HEAP];
my $om = POE::Component::Omegle->new;
$om->set_callback(connect => 'om_connect');
$om->set_callback(chat => 'om_chat');
$om->set_callback(disconnect => 'om_disconnect');
$heap->{om} = $om;
$poe_kernel->delay_add( poke => 0.1, $om );
poke => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $om) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
$poe_kernel->delay_add( poke => 0.1, $om );
om_connect => sub {
my $om = $_[HEAP]->{om};
print "Omegle: Stranger connected\n";
# change nick 😀 so its OBVIOUS we're in omegle mode
if( $changenicks ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $OMEGLENICK );
} else {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => ctcp => $CHANNEL => "ACTION connected" );
$omegle = $om;
om_chat => sub {
my ($cb_args) = $_[ARG1];
my ($om, $chat) = @$cb_args;
print "Omegle: STRANGER >> $chat\n";
$_[KERNEL]->post($IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "$CHATPREFIX$chat" );
om_disconnect => sub {
print "Omegle: Stranger disconnected\n";
# change nick 😀 so its OBVIOUS we're in omegle mode
if( $changenicks ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $ORIGINALNICK );
} else {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => ctcp => $CHANNEL => "ACTION disconnected" );
undef $omegle;
sleep 3;
$_[KERNEL]->yield( "my_omegle" );
_child => sub {},
_default => sub {
#printf "%s: session %s caught an unhandled %s event.\n",
# scalar localtime(), $_[SESSION]->ID, $_[ARG0];
# print "$_[ARG0]: ",
# join(" ", map({"ARRAY" eq ref $_ ? "" : "$_"} @{$_[ARG1]})),
# "\n";
0; # false for signals
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## only 3 cpan modules installed: POE::Components::IRC,
## POE::Components::Omegle, and REST::Google::Translate
## there are a few "settings" that can be changed
## like nick, the nick to change to during omegle chat
## and server and channel...
## license: i am not responsible for anything. ever. or whatever.
## it would be cool if people updated changes here
## TO RUN:
## execute this script with 4 arguments in this order:
## $ perl <botname> <strangername> <ircserver> <ircchannel>
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
use POE qw(Component::IRC Component::Omegle);
####### #######
####### #######
my $ORIGINALNICK = shift || 'omegler';
my $OMEGLENICK = shift || 'stranger';
my $USERNAME = 'banana';
my $IRCNAME = 'ask me for help';
my $SERVER = shift || '';
my $CHANNEL = shift || '#omeglebots';
my $perl_location = `which perl`; chomp $perl_location;
my $script_location = "$0";
####### #######
my $IRC_ALIAS = 'butt';
my $omegle;
sleep 3; #time to respawn
my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
nick => $NICK,
ircname => $IRCNAME,
username => $USERNAME,
server => $SERVER,
alias => $IRC_ALIAS, ) or die "uhhhhhh $!";
POE::Session->create( inline_states => {
_start => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => register => 'all' );
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => connect => {} );
irc_001 => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => join => $CHANNEL );
irc_433 => sub {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $NICK . $$%1000 );
irc_kick => sub {
exit 0;
irc_public => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $who, $where, $msg) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0];
my $channel = $where->[0];
my $ts = scalar localtime;
print " [$ts] <$nick:$channel> $msg\n";
if (my ($what) = $msg =~ /^$NICK[:,]? (.+)/) {
$omegle->say($what) if $OMEGLE_SESSION;
if( !$OMEGLE_SESSION and $what =~ /^help/i ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "commands are ;start, ;stop, ;respawn. after ;start-ing and inviting an omegle stranger, the conversation can be ;stop-ped. if i become unresponsive, try ;respawn-ing me.");
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "during a conversation, the omegle stranger can only hear you if you speak to $OMEGLENICK");
} elsif (my ($cmd) = $msg =~ /^;(\w+)/){
if( $cmd eq "start" and ! $OMEGLE_SESSION){
$_[KERNEL]->yield( "my_omegle" );
}elsif ( $cmd eq "stop" and $OMEGLE_SESSION ){
# change nick 😀 so its OBVIOUS we're in omegle mode
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $ORIGINALNICK );
undef $omegle;
}elsif ( $cmd eq "respawn" ){
exec $perl_location, $script_location, $ORIGINALNICK, $OMEGLENICK, $SERVER, $CHANNEL;
exit 0;
}elsif ( $cmd eq "die" ){
exit 0;
}elsif ( $cmd eq "help" ){
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "commands are ;start, ;stop, ;respawn. after ;start-ing and inviting an omegle stranger, the conversation can be ;stop-ped. if i become unresponsive, try ;respawn-ing me.");
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "during a conversation, the omegle stranger can only hear you if you speak to $OMEGLENICK");
my_omegle => sub {
my $session = $_[SESSION];
inline_states => {
_start => sub {
my ($heap) = $_[HEAP];
my $om = POE::Component::Omegle->new;
$om->set_callback(connect => 'om_connect');
$om->set_callback(chat => 'om_chat');
$om->set_callback(disconnect => 'om_disconnect');
$heap->{om} = $om;
$poe_kernel->delay_add( poke => 0.1, $om );
poke => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $om) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
$poe_kernel->delay_add( poke => 0.1, $om );
om_connect => sub {
my $om = $_[HEAP]->{om};
print "Omegle: Stranger connected\n";
# change nick 😀 so its OBVIOUS we're in omegle mode
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $OMEGLENICK );
$omegle = $om;
om_chat => sub {
my ($cb_args) = $_[ARG1];
my ($om, $chat) = @$cb_args;
print "Omegle: STRANGER >> $chat\n";
$_[KERNEL]->post($IRC_ALIAS => privmsg => $CHANNEL => "$chat" );
om_disconnect => sub {
print "Omegle: Stranger disconnected\n";
# change nick 😀 so its OBVIOUS we're in omegle mode
$_[KERNEL]->post( $IRC_ALIAS => nick => $ORIGINALNICK );
undef $omegle;
_child => sub {},
_default => sub {
#printf "%s: session %s caught an unhandled %s event.\n",
# scalar localtime(), $_[SESSION]->ID, $_[ARG0];
print "$_[ARG0]: ",
join(" ", map({"ARRAY" eq ref $_ ? "" : "$_"} @{$_[ARG1]})),
0; # false for signals
Final Thoughts
By knowing clearly about Perl 5 Script to Build Advanced Omegle Bot to Increase Traffic to Website through this article. If you have any doubts please leave a comment via the comment box. Thank You.